Crocheting tails…day four…becoming a granny square

Armed with a few good stitches under my belt, tonight was the time to expand. Taking what was created on day two, I simply expanded a further two rounds, changing colour every round. It has become a mini granny square, perfect to transform into a coaster!

Feeling pretty happy with chain and treble stitches, tension is mostly on the up and even managed a pretty subtle colour change! Onto the bigger and better.

first ever mini granny square

Crocheting tails… day three … swimming in circles

I’m giving Mr circle-square a break today as we conquer the mighty circle…almost.

For the first time instead of mum making something up on the spot we decided to follow a pattern. Both mother and I learnt a new stitch, the bobble stitch (not to be mistaken with the popcorn stitch). Using a blog (which I can’t remember -sorry!) and a useful YouTube video we (think) we figured this one out. It’s pretty much an over excited treble stitch. The colour changing is just as uninspired today as day two, maybe another YouTube video is called for.

I’m in love with the overall finish, my favourite blob thus far. Reminds me of a star or flower. The more you look the better crazy owl eyes they become!


Crocheting tails… day two… adding a round

I’ve managed a second day, and in the same week as the first too! Must be an exciting project!

Day two… adding a second round in a different colour!

The evening started with creating an exact copy from day one, with less dodgy tension. This was pretty fantastic in itself. I got a better understanding of how to hold the hook and yarn at the same time. But shall this small victory be enough…NEVER! I also changed colours in a very dubious fashion and then repeated similar steps as the first round. This is sets of three trebles, going into the corners twice, chain and slip stitch. Used a smaller hook today which was a definite advantage.


Circle-square thing starting to resemble something you may actually recognise as crochet, and the beginnings of a humble granny square.


Crocheting Tails… day one… finding fins

New year and time for a new skill. I’ve been wanting to crochet for a long time, I have all the equipment and a mother who is a wonderful teacher, so procrastination no more! This is the start of a short series journaling my exploration of a new craft, CROCHET.

Day one…finding I have fins.

This evening we had a go at learning a few basic stitches, and made a circle-square sort of thing. I learnt (and may even remember) how to “cast on”, apologies for the knitting terminology. Followed by learning chain stitch, treble stitch and slip stitch. Below, four sets of three trebles interspersed with two chain stiches and finished with a slip stitch. Tensions is amusingly terrible. Feeling pumped!Crochet day one